Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ventrilo.... what?

Finally, breathing space between tests! Today, finally decided to start my blog. Taking time of the studying a bit. Anyone seen shows where people would hold a puppet or some object on one hand while simply acting as a companion of that object? Pretty interesting to be honest. What's more amazing is that the puppets would actually "talk". I think this is pretty uncommon, but I think most should have seen these performers before. Maybe you forgot the name..... It's ven.... ventriquo...... Bah! Too hard to spell. Took a while until I finally realized that the name was pretty confusing.

It's Ventriloquism. It's pretty magnificent the way those who master this can change the tone of their voice so well. What's more? They can literally "talk" without opening their mouths. Cool, isn't it? How I wish I could do that..... Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

OMG..... Look at the eyes....

At least his puppet's less scarier...

Really, if you think these are scarier, I don't think you'd be able to sleep if you see the others. Reason? These puppets are often used in horror movies and well... associated with murderers in the movie. You might remember some if you have seen them before. But still, they are fascinating things. It shows an ability that not everyone has. To even do what the experts in this do, it takes a lot of training. And I mean, A LOT. Try doing it and you'll have to open up your mouth within seconds! Ouch.....

Seen this anywhere before? If you're not a cartoon person, you won't know... It's Batman...

Well, ventriloquism doesn't only mean that it involves puppets. And I mean, no puppets involved. It is possible. I just noticed that even Superman has a power which is related to Ventriloquism as well. Pretty cool hah?

Super Ventriloquism: Superman could throw his voice across great distances. This power was used to confuse enemies or protect his secret identity by tricking others into believing that he (or Clark Kent) was in a different location. *Thanks Wiki for this*

Though, it doesn't have to be scary all the time. Sometimes, it can be in the form of humor. There are many experts in this out there who apparently do this on stage just to make us laugh. And really, they earn a lot from this. Pretty interesting to be honest. Other than that, there are these shows which also feature some scenes with this. For example, Kyle Massey as Cory performing his ventriloquism act in one of the episodes named Out of Control in "That's So Raven". In short, ventriloquism may appear in many ways. Just try to see the good and funny side of it.

I particularly admire this guy, Jeff Dunham. Amazing guy. I have to say that he is pretty popular in the United States. His performances are outstanding. Sometimes, watching his video really makes our mind more relaxed. Better for studying :P Like they say, laughter is the best medicine! Enjoy!

Just a couple of videos from him. For more, do check out YouTube. Till the next time! =)


xzenith said...

any more blog inputs~~
other than achmed xD

Kalimdor said...

There IS now :)